


职称 硕(博)导:教授 博导、硕导

招生专业 方向:电磁场与微波技术/太赫兹与毫米波技术




1994年,本科毕业于浙江大学无线电技术专业;2000年,硕士毕业于中国传媒大学通信与信息系统专业;2003年,博士毕业于中科院微电子所微电子学与固体电子学专业。2003年入职北京信息科技大学,曾任光电信息与通信工程学院副院长、学校教务处副处长;2015年调入中国传媒大学工作,2018-2025年担任通信工程系主任。公派留学经历:2008年美国南卡罗来纳大学访问学者;2011年澳大利亚维多利亚大学访问学者;2013-2014年美国南卡罗来纳大学高级访问学者(博士后)。主持完成国防973子专题、国家863计划子课题等多个国家级纵向项目以及20余项企业横向课题;参与完成国家自然基金面上项目、青年基金项目多项;主持在研北京市自然科学基金-小米联合创新基金-前沿项目1项、企业横向课题多项。获广电总局高校科研成果一等奖1项;国家级教学成果二等奖1项;北京市级教学成果一等奖1项、二等奖1项;获评北京市优秀教师、北京市中青年骨干教师;北京市大学生电子竞赛优秀指导教师;首都“挑战杯”大学生科技竞赛优秀指导教师;北京市大学生优秀毕业论文(设计)指导教师;中国传媒大学教学名师;中国电子学会高级会员、IEEE会员。在IEEE TAPIEEE TMTTIEEE TVTIEEE IoTJIEEE TIMIEEE TPSIEEE AWPLAdvanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional MaterialsCarbonOptics Communications等高水平国际学术期刊发表SCI论文50多篇,在国际会议发表EI论文80多篇,在中文核心期刊发表论文70多篇,出版专著及教材5部,获得国家发明专利10余项。担任国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金等项目评审专家;担任Advanced MaterialsCarbonIEEE TAPIEEE TVTIEEE AWPL 等多个期刊审稿人。


[1]  xxx互连效应研究,国防973项目子专题,已结题,主持

[2]  具有电磁波吸收区的非多层PCB上实现芯片无线互连系统的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,已结题,参与人排名第一

[3]  基于LTCC的微纳真空封装技术国家863项目子课题,已结题,主持

[4]  基于通感融合多功能身联网系统的抑郁情感监测关键技术研究,北京市自然科学基金-小米联合创新基金-前沿项目,在研,主持

[5]  基于体硅工艺的微机械可调微波滤波器,国家自然科学青年基金项目,已结题,参与人排名第一

[6]  新型天线优化仿真和测试,横向课题,在研,主持

[7]  基于电磁超材料的多频段微带天线设计研究,横向课题,在研,主持

[8]  基于人工电磁材料芯片间无线互连体系结构研究,横向课题,在研,主持

[9]  用于物联网的5.8GHz低功耗RFID天线系统开发,横向课题,已结题,主持

[10] 通信系统中低功耗SOC设计研究,横向课题,已结题,主持


[1]  Shuhui Yang, Liangyun Zhang, Wensong Wang, and Yuanjin Zheng. Flexible tri-band dual-polarized MIMO belt strap antenna toward wearable applications in intelligent Internet of medical things [J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022,70(1): 197-208. (SCI期刊, 中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 5.7)

[2]  Shuhui Yang, Li Zhang, Yinchao Chen, Bi Li, and Ling Wang. Analysis of septuple-band NGD circuit using an E-shaped defected microstrip structure and two T-shaped open stubs [J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2022,70(6): 3065-3073. (SCI期刊,中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 4.381)

[3]  Shuhui Yang, Longfei Liang, Wensong Wang, Zhongyuan Fang, and Yuanjin Zheng. Wideband gain enhancement of a dual-polarized cavity-backed antenna [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70(12): 12703-12712. (SCI期刊,中科院2区,领域顶刊,IF: 6.8)

[4]  Wensong Wang, Shuhui Yang, Zhongyuan Fang, Quqin Sun, Yinchao Chen, and Yuanjin Zheng. Compact dual-polarized wideband antenna with dual-/single-band shifting for micro base station applications [J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021, 69(11): 7323-7332. (SCI期刊,中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 5.7)

[5]  Rui Meng, Yahui Hou, Qi Zheng, Jingjing Liang, Shuhui Yang*, Bin Li, Hongzhou Guan, Zihao Fu, Li Zhang, Kaili Huo, and Maosheng Cao.  Reconfigurable multi-band electromagnetically induced transparency metamaterial based on graphene [J]. Carbon, 2024, 229: 119569(1-10). (SCI期刊,中科院2区,领域顶刊,IF: 10.9)

[6]  Shuhui Yang, Fanglu Tong, Jiajie Chu, et al. Compact tetracyclic nested AMC-backed multi-band antenna with high OoB rejection and enhanced gain radiation for IIoV-based sensing and communication [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(2): 2819-2829. (SCI期刊,中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 10.6)

[7]  Shuhui Yang, Longfei Liang, Zengrui Li, and Wensong Wang. Ultra-wideband MIMO circularly polarized cube antenna with characteristic mode analysis for wireless communication and sensing [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(7): 12192-12202. (SCI期刊, 中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 10.6)

[8]  Kaili Huo, Shuhui Yang*, Jiyou Zong, Jiajie Chu, Yidan Wang, and Maosheng Cao*. Carbon-based EM functional materials and multi-band microwave devices: current progress and perspectives [J]. Carbon, 2023, 213: 118193(1-17). (SCI期刊,中科院2区,领域顶刊,IF: 10.9)

[9]  Jun Yan, Qi Zheng, Shuangpeng Wang, Yongzhi Tian, Weiqiang Gong, Feng Gao, Jijun Qiu, Lin Li, Shuhui Yang*, and Maosheng Cao*. Multifunctional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite microcrystalline engineering and electromagnetic response switching multi-band devices [J]. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35: 2300015(1-14). (SCI期刊, 中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 32.086)

[10] Jincheng Shu, Maosheng Cao*, Yanlan Zhang, Yuze Wang, Quanliang Zhao, Xiaoyong Fang, Shuhui Yang*, Yong Qin, and Jie Yuan. Atomic-molecular engineering tailoring graphene microlaminates to tune multifunctional antennas [J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2212379 (1-11). (SCI期刊, 中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 19.924)

[11] Chenyin Yu, Shuhui Yang, Yunrong Han, Libiao Jin*, Yinchao Chen, Wensong Wang, Zengrui Li, Liangyun Zhang, and Yuanjin Zheng. A DBDCP antenna backed with AMC support for head-mounted industrial IoT applications featuring LHCP in the low band and RHCP in the high band [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(12): 2231-22320. (SCI期刊, 中科院1区,领域顶刊,IF: 10.6)

[12] Shuhui Yang, Fanglu Tong, Yinchao Chen, et al. Highly compact UWB-BPF with a wide notch-band using a rectangular ring structure and two Y-shaped open stub resonators [J]. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2023, 161: 154556(1-8). (SCI期刊, 中科院3区,IF: 3.2)

[13] Shuhui Yang, Chenyin Yu, Xiaotao Yang, and Jiaqi Zhao. A tri-band flexible antenna based on tri-band AMC reflector for gain enhancement and SAR reduction [J]. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2023, 168: 154715(1-8). (SCI期刊, 中科院3区,IF: 3.2)

[14] Shuhui Yang, Jiajie Chu, Yinchao Chen, Fanglu Tong, and Wensong Wang. Design of a quint-band antenna with a hybrid-AMC reflector for Internet of vehicle applications [J]. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2023, 170: 154854(1-8). (SCI期刊, 中科院3区,IF: 3.2)

[15] Zilian Qu, Qiwen Bao, Zhengchun Yang, Zhenyu Zhao, Qinghai Yang, Shuhui Yang, Zengrui Li, and Wensong Wang. High-sensitivity signal processing circuit integrated coil antenna sensor toward measurements of the water fraction the oil–water two-phase flow [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 2002610(1-10). (SCI期刊,中科院2区,IF: 5.6)

[16] Ruimin Zhang, Yahui Hou, Shuhui Yang*, Kaili Huo, et al. A reconfigurable ultra-wideband high-purity multimode terahertz OAM antenna array based on graphene and vanadium dioxide [J]. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024, 187: 155514(1-9). (SCI期刊, 中科院3区,IF: 3.2)

[17] Li Zhang, Dang Lu, Shuhui Yang*, Yinchao Chen, and Bin Li. Design of a quint-band passive NGDC by using Taguchi’s optimization method [J]. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2023, 171: 154921(1-6). (SCI期刊, 中科院3区,IF: 3.2)

[18] Bin Li, Rui Meng, Yahui Hou, Shuhui Yang, Zihao Fu, et al. Polarization-insensitive terahertz ultra-wideband absorber with an actively tunable bandwidth [J]. Applied Optics, 2024, 63(22): 5886-5895. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.7)

[19] Jingjing Liang, Bin Li, Shuhui Yang*, Rui Meng, Li Zhang, et al. Three-dimensional metamaterial for reconfigurable multi-band electromagnetically induced transparency based on VO2 [J]. Applied Optics, 2024, 63(32): 8323-8330. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.7)

[20] Wensong Wang, Shuhui Yang, Zhongyuan Fang, Quqin Sun, Yinchao Chen, and Yuanjin Zheng. Compact dual-polarized wideband antenna with dual-/single-band shifting for micro base station applications [J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2025, 53(2): 351-360. (SCI期刊,中科院4区,IF: 1.3)

[21] Shuhui Yang, Yinchao Chen, Guizhen Lu, Bin Li, Ling Wang, and Dongdong Zeng. Enhancement of transmission characteristics for the antenna system printed on silicon wafer substrate by using FSS-based coplanar parallel reflector [J]. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2019, 13(12): 2141-2145. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 2.016 )

[22] Shuhui Yang, Yinchao Chen, Chenyin Yu, Guizhen Lu, Bin Li, Ling Wang, and Dongdong Zeng. Super compact and ultra-wideband bandpass filter with a wide upper stopband based on a SCRLH transmission-line unit-cell and two lumped capacitors [J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Applications, 2019, 33(3): 350-366. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.335 )

[23] Wensong Wang, Yinchao Chen, Shuhui Yang, et al. Wireless inter/intra-chip communication using an innovative PCB channel bounded by a metamaterial absorber [J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2016, 15: 1634-1637. (SCI期刊, 中科院2区,领域顶刊IF: 4.2 )

[24] Chenyin Yu, Shuhui Yang*, Yinchao Chen, and Dongdong Zeng. Radiation enhancement for a triband microstrip antenna using an AMC reflector characterized with three zero-phases in reflection coefficient [J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Applications, 2019, 33(14): 1846-1859. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.335 )

[25] Shuhui Yang, Xiaoyun Yang, Ling Wang, Yinchao Chen, Guizhen Lu, Bin Li, and Dongdong Zeng. Tricyclic nested electromagnetic bandgap structure characterized with broad stopband bandwidth and deep noise suppression[J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Applications, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2019. 1605940. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.335 )

[26] Yanqing Wang, Shuhui Yang *, Hongchen Yin*, et al.  Implementation of sparse recovery method with high-resolution time-frequency energy distributions for helicopter [J]. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 2020, 6: 1-11. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.573 )

[27]Yanqing Wang, Shuhui Yang*, Hongchen Yin*, et al. Sparse time-frequency analysis for aircraft target classification with low sampling rate and short observation time [J]. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/jnm.2928. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.573 )

[28] Ling Wang, Shuhui Yang*, Li Zhang, Bin Li. Design of a compact quint-band bandpass filter using a symmetric dual-mode λ/4 resonator and a pair of inverted F-shaped resonators [J]. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2022, 36(16): 1-16. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.335 )

[29] Li Zhang, Shuhui Yang, Qingxin Guo, et al. A compact passive quad-band negative group delay circuit with stepped impedance resonator and defected microstrip structure [J]. Radio Science, 2022, 58(1): 1-12. (SCI期刊, 中科院4区,IF: 1.305 )

[30] Kaili Huo, Yahui Hou, Yanqing Wang, Shuhui Yang*, et al. Metasurface with graphene and vanadium dioxide for high-order and high-purity OAM vortex beams generation [J]. Optics Communications, 2025, 577: 131366(1-9). (SCI期刊, 中科院3区,IF: 2.2 )